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Mary Ellen Edwards, LCSW - Links


Internet Drumming Links: (page in construction)

About Drum Circles:

www.remo.com - Drum Circles, Events

www.rhythmjourney.com - Paulo Mattioli and African Percussion / circle

                                           Rhythmjourney workshops
www.LayneRedmond.com - Frame Drum Performer, Workshops, Events and author
www.drumcircle.org - lots of in of about regional drumcircles-

www.rhythmweb.com Eric Stuer's site about everything under the sun in drumming.

www.chrystinedrums.com - Chrystine Julian - Drums:Drumming, Drum Circles

Drum, Sound and Wellness Sites:


www.healthysounds.com - Berry Bernstein's site who does music therapy and drumming, healing sounds
http://www.drumjourney.com/new/index.htm Research and literature on sound therapy

International Sound Therapy Association Internet Extensive links to sound and music therapy organizations may be found here.

Health World Online Internet An online resource for many alternative health modalities. You will find several drumming and sound related health articles here.

Infinite Light Healing Studies Center Sedona
Arizona Reiki Drumming training and certification program. Reiki Drumming is a specialized method of introducing Reiki energy into a client's energy field to facilitate deep relaxation and stress relief.

Drum Circle Facilitators:

...more information forthcoming

"Living Well" Newsletter | "A Therapist's Creed"

Contact:  (626) 390-7304

  or (no therapy client or potential client e-mail please):  Mary@MaryEllenEdwards.com